Evolve Template Programs

Online fitness coaches and personal trainers:

Does programming for your clients take up the most amount of your time? You’ve got check ins, sales calls, lead generation, and marketing to worry about! Not to mention your own nutrition & training!

Is the last thing you want to do is program? But still want to provide great training that is custom and will get your clients great results?

At Evolve, we have something for you.

We’ve created templated programs taking care of ALL of the progressions, sets, reps, even down to specific notes.

All you have to do is change the exercise variation.

Client works out from home or trains at Planet Fitness? With the proposed exercise variations, that is no problem.

As of right now, there 4+ years of progressions for you.

Anywhere from beginner clients, to more advanced ones.

If you work with strength athletes, we also have a 1 rep max calculator and several strength programs to choose from.

Client comes to you newly post partum? We got you. We have 40 post natal programs for various scenarios such as C-Section recovery, tearing recovery, and progressions from 6 weeks-12 months!

Not to mention what’s to come in the future with different populations, goals, and courses to learn more about programming.

You can either enjoy this month to month, canceling when you don’t need it anymore, or lock in for a year with great pricing and a front row seat to all the additions we will be making.

How does it work?

You’ll create a copy or the template and store it within this website. You’ll give it a unique name and change the exercise variations. You, or someone on your team, will manually input the template into whichever training platform you use. It does not hook up to one specific platform, since we all use different platforms.

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